22 May 2009

Antarctic Art Exhibition: Parliment House

From left Alison Lester, Peter Garrett, Tanya Patrick, Coral Tulloch. Nicholas Hutcheson hiding back left!

I'm honoured to be included in an exhibition at Parliment House (27 May - June 5) which also features the work of award winning author and illustrator Alison Lester.

Alison traveled to Antarctica in 2005, blogging an account of her journey. She encouraged children to send drawings to her in response to what she was posting, and when she returned home she was inundated with them. Many were pictures of the Aurora Australis which she has cleverly incorporated to create All the tracks of the Aurora Australis (above).

Peter Garrett opened the exhibition, and as you can see, he is still knows how to captivate an audience!My first child, due in September, is the reason for the roundness of my belly...

Update: Prints from the exhibition are available to buy here. All proceeds go to the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital.

[Photos] Owen Cox

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